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convergence-continuum could not bring our thought-provoking, wild, and visually engaging productions to the stage without your help. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, run primarily by volunteers. That means that every contribution, no matter the size, supports artists and the stories they tell. After completing our capital campaign in 2019, we are continuing to make improvements to

our facilities and programming. With your support, we can continue to cross the threshold long into the future. 

2023 Season Support

A Special Thank you to our current Grant supporters:

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Please check our production programs for our most up-to-date list of current season supporters.

"Save the Liminis" Capital Campaign (2016-2019)

Thanks to you, the convergence-continuum theatre company has purchased the building which has been our artistic home for the past 16 years. With your continued support, we can grow and revitalize this theater space. convergence-continuum is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, and donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law.

How convergence-continuum Found a Home: They Bought It

Capital Campaign Supporters:

$10,000 or More

The George Gund Foundation

Craig & Janet Hoffman

Jean Leathers & Gary Engle

Mary Wehrle

$5,000 - $9,999

Mary Beidler Gearen

Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson

Robert Hawkes

The Howley Foundation

Lucy Bredeson-Smith & James R. Smith

Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation

Darwin L. Steele

$2,500 - $4,999

John & Ellie Brucken

Herb & Lauri Hammer

Geoffrey & Laurel Hoffman

Stuart Hoffman

Park Foundation

Cedars Legacy Fund

Gay and Lesbian Fund of the Hermes Foundation

Clyde Simon

© convergence-continuum

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